Monday, December 6, 2010

Simply Breathtaking

Your so beautiful
The good thing about  it is
You don’t even know
Just being in your presence
Its hard to not let my feelings show
Its true looks can be deceiving
That doesn’t hold true with you
Your whole persona about yourself
Makes you a beautiful person inside and outside too
From the bottom of your pretty little feet
Up to the top of your beautiful face
Is a person so adorable and very sweet
One smile from you and it lightens up the whole place
Some days the things I go through
But I love my poetry sessions
Cause I know I will be spending time with you
I asked myself time and time again
Make me kind of wonder
What is about this female
Is it some kind of spell I am under?
But whatever it is that’s on my mind
One fact holds true
That you are simply breathtaking and I love you….

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