Friday, March 4, 2011

To the human eye                                                   
What we have is very complicated
But the type of love we have can never be jaded
It’s no doubt even if we’re the only two that can comprehend
Our feelings are on the straight and narrow; We have a love that’s real
Cupid’s arrow just won’t bend
We’ve always been there for each other- Physically as well as mentally
At times, when I needed a friend you were always there for me
Sure people can say they’ve been together with their spouse longer
But I’ll tell you what
You’ll never find another love that’s stronger
Over the years, we’ve been through a lot of changes
Everything happened the way it was supposed to, I would never want to re-arrange it
True love can never be prolonged
Because no matter what situation you’re in
It just goes on and on and on
Old folks may look at what you and I have together and criticize
But they can never criticize our love
Even though its very complicated to the human eye

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